The benefits of a Quality Management System (QMS)
The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for any organisation. Whilst there are understandable costs associated, the QMS can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for future development initiatives. In fact, there are many potential benefits including:
the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer, statutory, regulatory, and other requirements
the ability to demonstrate conformity to any specified requirements required by the QMS
increased customer satisfaction
improved risk management
greater efficiency and less waste
better and consistent control of major business processes
a better understanding of customer needs
regulation of successful working practices
improved participation of employees
better internal communication
Tootell Technical Services can help you set up a quality management system or to review your existing QMS, and we always recommend that this is based on the International Standard ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems – Requirements. Issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), adopting ISO 9001 has many advantages:
it employs the process approach incorporating the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. The PDCA cycle enables an organisation to ensure that its processes are adequately resourced and managed and that opportunities for improvement are determined and acted on.
The standard also employs risk-based thinking which enables an organisation to determine those factors that could cause its processes and QMS to deviate from planned results. The aim is to put in place preventive controls the minimise negative effects and to make maximum use of opportunities as they arise.
ISO 9001 is also based on the Quality Management Principles - also issued by ISO. The traditional seven Quality management principles are Customer focus, Leadership, Engagement of people, Process approach, Improvement, Evidence-based decision making, and Relationship management. An eighth principle is often added namely mutually beneficial supplier relations.
Depending on your business needs, your quality management system can be set up using any type of media, from a more traditional paper-based approach or the latest cloud-based options, or perhaps a mixture of approaches.
You do not need to adopt “ISO” speak in your QMS - you can use terms and language familiar to your workforce as well as customers.